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Yujin lee's art portfolio

Sound amplifier for iPhone
This product amplifies the audio of a phone when the phone is put in the narrow opening of the product (your phone’s speaker needs to be facing the opening). Moreover, the product is durable due to its hard material - wood.

Sound amplifier for iPhone - front

Sound amplifier for iPhone - side

Sound amplifier for iPhone - back

Sound amplifier for iPhone Poster - page 1
This poster describes the features of the sound amplifier and the process that I went through to make it.

page 2

Dual Hanger (3D printed) - front
Everyone has that moment when they don’t have enough hangers to hang all of their clothes. If there is a hanger that can hang multiple clothes at once, clothes will occupy less space in the closet. Also, less money will be spent on buying hangers. I made the hanger using a 3D printer.

Dual Hanger (3D printed) - side
This is a mini-version of a dual hanger. It can hang two clothes at once, which makes it unneccessary for people to buy additional hangers for their clothes.

Music album design
I designed a music album cover and a CD cover using acrylic paint.

CD design

Music album cover design
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